About Me & My Book
My Memoir will change how you listen to the voice deep within your heart.
Each chapter is a multi-layered story based on real-life experiences that have shaped who I am today. Individually, they are engaging windows into my life as a gay man growing up in suburban Melbourne with a disability.
As a whole they are an invitation to explore what you hear and how you listen through my experiences of deafness, trauma and identity. They help you to get up close and personal with your own is-ness and isn't-ness, so that you can discover a different way of navigating the world through listening.
The book is heartwarming, funny and poignantly raw where no stone is left un-turned in my quest for answers.

Breath. Mind. Soul.

I became a SOMA Breath Instructor because my journey showed me how breathwork heals.
As a coach I learned the power of the mind and mindset. As a healer I learned how to go deeper into myself than I ever thought possible, and to push myself beyond my known limits to experience things that could too easily be written off as crazy if others weren't there to witness them too.
Combining the power of all three, I help people move mountains as they re-discover the truth of their emotional territory, release the patterns that hypnotise their experience, and invite them to become the architect of their own future.

Petra, Jordan

Palmyra, Syria


Socotra, Yemen
About Tim Snell
Most people know me as an expert who has built exceptional teams of sales and proposal professionals at large multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations, or as the Deputy Chief Examiner of the Global Association of Proposal Management Professionals.
I've worked in highly dynamic and pressurised environments, building teams from the ground up, and then developing their talent so that together we could help win billions of dollars in new contracts while making a difference in the world.
I am also known for creating scalable, repeatable ways of working and seeing the potential in each of my team members. I was also known for being adventurous in my travels and intrepidly going to Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Mongolia and a whole host of other remote, dangerous or austere places for work.
When I worked with the leaders in these businesses, I helped them see better ways to get things done, and how to cultivate the talents of the team, because underneath it all I'm extraordinarily good at developing people's skills, seeing their gifts and building trusted relationships.
My story is longer than this. Throughout my life I've seen the world from a different perspective, and I think about the world differently. At age 4, I learned I was deaf in one ear but I didn't let it to hold me back. In high school I was dealing with some deep emotional challenges and despite all the peer pressure and stress, I graduated in the top 6% of the State.
In the corporate world, I didn't think I would make it because I dropped out of University three times but I became highly successful anyway in Australia, the United Arab Emirates and the U.K. where I live now. I eventually got my MBA and I'm working on a Post-Graduate Certificate in Coaching.
This is all because I am committed and I'm resilient. I know what it takes to break through the barriers of self-doubt and to feel confused when nothing makes sense. When I show up to work with my clients, I am all in. I am committed to success, but in many different ways. I am committed to my community, my family and to being generous in sharing my wisdom and spending the time to deeply know someone.
Deep down I am a very spiritual person, and I have so much capacity for my work, my studies, my family and my community. I am extraordinary at what I do, but I'm a life long learner as well; and I'm always looking for ways to improve myself or the ways I'm working.
There's a dark side to each of those. There are times when I can get caught up trying to do too many things or feeling that I need to get everything done right now. There's been a secret desire underneath to be able to do it all and be recognised for my contribution.
So that capacity to do so much, and the desire to continue learning has a drawback - I have been burnt out. I know what it feels like to burn out trying to support everyone else when I feel completely unsupported myself; and from taking on too many things when I'm already over-committed or beating myself up when I do set a limit.
I've been constantly driven by this voice inside of my head that says there's always more to do, it's never enough for today, you have to keep going; and it can be overwhelming.
Hiding underneath that, a secret that drives me is the sense that I'm an imposter and that I'll be found out. It doesn't matter the acknowledgements I have out in the world. Sometimes that means I don't even recognise my own brilliance; and I hold back from taking big leaps because I doubt myself.
I'm a writer and a change-maker, and I work with people just like that.
Master of Business Administration (Leadership & Certification)
Diploma of Business (Management)
APMP Professional Level + Trainer & Certification Assessor
SOMA Breath Advanced Instructor
Add Heart Facilitator, HeartMath Institute
Natural Wisdom Leaders, Ayni Foundation
Yoga Teacher Training (RYS 200)
Usui Reiki Levels I & II
Shamanic Energy Healing
Diamond Light Activations


Tim is truly unique. His approach is an admirable blend of cultural, social and spiritual awareness delivered in a considered and pragmatic manner.
~ Stuart K, United Kingdom ~