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A Reflection on 2020 - A Year to Remember

Writer's picture: Tim SnellTim Snell

For many, 2020 was the year that wasn't, but for some - and I don't mean the billlionnaires who doubled their income - 2020 was an extraordinary year.

As I scroll through my friend's Top 9 and watch video compilations that people created throughout their year in/out of lockdown (gosh people are so talented!) it has given me pause to reflect on my own 2020, which seems to have gone past in the blink of an eye.

The year had started with grand plans to create an online course for leaders in business and ended today with me waking up to a SOMA Breath Master Instructor Certificate in my inbox - the two couldn't be more diametrically opposed (that course for leaders never happened).

Like many, I grieved the loss of community members, received messages from friends who got ill and I watched on aghast at the brazen corruption in systems all around the world. Through it all, I had my own moments where I felt like I was barely holding it all together but as I sit here on 31st December, the bits that stand out are the glimmers of light the have punctuated an otherwise grim year.

2020 was the year I followed my heart and that's worth celebrating amidst the loss, the grief and the suffering.

It was also the year I learned to lead differently - leading a community of beautiful souls in breathwork, meditation and self-development. I thought I knew a thing or two about leading from decades in organisations - I had and still have so much more to learn.

There's something to be said for getting people out of companies and into the community. There's far more gratitude for a start - something I would love to see more of in the organisational construct - perhaps we can all practice this consciously in 2021?

2020 was definitely the year I learned a thing or two about intentions and how to connect more deeply to my feelings. Sometimes we don't need to plan the outcome - we just need to set the direction and let our hearts lead us to the perfect destination. For me this is how it looked:

  • I wanted to establish a portfolio career - I coach, I work in an awesome start-up and I lead weekly breathwork sessions. Not the portfolio I planned, but one that I'm so happy with

  • I planned to lead a retreat - I led 2 workshops at online festival events for a 20K virtual community

  • I planned to create a course for leaders - I created and led a 5-week virtual program in natural wisdom and personal development

  • I had planned more self-care - most of my life in 2020 was spent at home and when I had the chance I spent a month in the sunshine.

My Lessons for 2021:

  1. Following my heart and allowing things to unfold has been my biggest lesson.

  2. Letting go of the need to control everything and just allowing things to happen.

  3. Switching off from the noise outside (i.e. the news) and seeing it for what it is.

  4. Letting go of my own biases so that I can appreciate the gifts we each have.

  5. Make time for self-care - this is so so important!

The biggest lesson of all this year was to surrender to what's right in front of me.

By doing just that I would say that this year has been a remarkably good.

How was your 2020?

What juice can you extract from the year?

What intentions can you set for 2021 while remaining open to the possibilities?

I'd love to hear from you.

Wherever you are in the world, I hope 2021 is your year of stepping into your dream life.

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Maitte Cruz
Maitte Cruz

Beautifully put. Thanks for shining and opening your heart Tim. Leading by example in the world. 🌟 ✨

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